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With 30+ years’ experience
Building Surveys
There are many different aspects to building surveying from building surveys of both commercial and residential properties to inspecting and analysing specific defects. If you are purchasing a commercial property, then a full building survey is the best way to understand condition along with any potential issues or future expenditure. Our in-depth inspection and report will highlight all relevant issues and defects, so you are in a much better position to negotiate a reduced purchase price!
Contact Cresswell Property Surveys Ltd in Leicestershire to discuss your specific project requirements.
What we do

Residential Clients
For residential clients we undertake building surveys, inspect specific defects and produce drawings for all types of extension and alteration work, including planning, listed building and building regulation applications. With any of the services provided here please note where necessary we can use our drone to inspect and report upon those hidden areas especially at high-level. Full details on our drone services page.
Contact Cresswell Property Surveys Ltd in Leicestershire, for more details.
We undertake many commercial inspections relating to tenants having received dilapidations claims from landlords. Here we inspect the building allied to the schedule received and negotiate with the Landlord surveyor to limit the tenant’s liability.
On the other side of the fence, we also produce dilapidations schedules, often with costs, for service onto tenants where breaches of lease clauses are applicable.
Either way the clients’ interests are always paramount and we will guide you through the whole process to a satisfactory outcome.

Schedules of Condition
Taking on a new lease can be a daunting prospect and no-one wants to be saddled with extensive repair obligations once they have signed a lease – a schedule of condition can therefore help identify existing condition and restrict liability and help understand the current condition of the building or unit relative to lease obligations.
We can help here with a Schedule of Condition style report that records condition at a certain date and has extensive photographic evidence included.
The schedule can then be attached to the lease to restrict liability.
Restoration and Refurbishment
Breathe new life into worn out structures with our restoration and refurbishment services.
Contact Cresswell Property Surveys Ltd in Leicestershire, if you have any questions about our services.

Architectural Services
We have considerable experience producing existing and proposed architectural drawings for your alteration proposals including sketch scheme layouts. Once agreed we will handle all of the planning application process along with building regulations through to decision receipt. We will also advise and deal with any Party Wall issues with your neighbours that be triggered by the proposals.
Barn conversions are another area where we deal with all of the required architectural & structural input necessary to procure all required approvals and produce stunning layouts within run down and dilapidated buildings. We can also tender works and manage the quality of the build on site to suit requirements.
You will see from our Milton Keynes Project file that we also undertake similar architectural services for commercial clients including project management on site.
Defect Analysis
We often get asked to comment on potential issues and what may have caused the problem. In additional to this we often find other defects that cannot be left unattended!
Contact Cresswell Property Surveys Ltd in Leicestershire, if you have any questions about our services.

Party Wall Act
Certain extension and alteration projects now fall under the Party Wall Act etc 1995. We can advise upon any responsibilities in this respect if a development is being considered and also if an adjoining owner is planning a similar project. Both the building and adjoining owners require their interests protecting, which may necessitate Party Wall Awards and Schedules of Condition.
Many people are still unaware of the act so call our office if you think you may be affected by adjoining developments – we are here to help!
Please contact us using the details below to arrange your free no-obligation quote or to arrange your property survey.
Alternatively, complete the contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible.
15 Main Street
Barsby Leics